Issue - meetings

New Council House Build Programme Phase 1 - replacement site

Meeting: 04/12/2014 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning (Item 47)

47 New Council House Build Programme Phase 1 - Replacement Site pdf icon PDF 112 KB

The following report seeks approval from the Cabinet Members for Finance & Performance and Homes & Safer Communities to pursue a site at Pottery Lane for new council housing as a replacement for the York Road, Haxby site approved by Cabinet in May 2013.


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Resolved:  That Option 1in the report i.e. the use of the Pottery Lane site for new council house building be approved, with authority delegated to the Assistant Director for Housing and Community Safety to approve the budget and funding route.


Reason:     To allow the aim of building 70 new council homes, as previously approved by Cabinet, to be met - delivering high quality affordable homes in the shortest possible timeframe.


The Cabinet Members considered a report which sought approval to pursue a site at Pottery Lane for new council housing as a replacement for the York Road, Haxby site approved by Cabinet in May 2013.


Officers gave an update on progress on new council house building and explained the reasons why, following a detailed assessment of the York Road, Haxby site, it had been deemed unsuitable for development at this stage.  Details were given of the alternative site that had been identified on Pottery Lane.  A feasibility study had indicated that this could provide six new two-bedroom family houses.  Should a decision be taken to proceed with the site a public information event would take place in advance of the submission of any planning application.  It was estimated that the total scheme costs would be in the region of £830,000.


The Cabinet Members gave consideration to the following options:


·        Option 1 – the use of a site at Pottery Lane for new council house building as an alternative to York Road, Haxby.

·        Option 2 – officers identify a further alternative site to York Road, Haxby.

·        Option 3 – no replacement site is sought for York Road, Haxby and phase one of the new council housing remains at the 65 homes already identified.


Resolved:  That Option 1in the report i.e. the use of the Pottery Lane site for new council house building be approved, with authority delegated to the Assistant Director for Housing and Community Safety to approve the budget and funding route.


Reason:     To allow the aim of building 70 new council homes, as previously approved by Cabinet, to be met - delivering high quality affordable homes in the shortest possible timeframe.


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