Issue - meetings

Implementation of Budget Savings on Council Funded Local Bus Services

Meeting: 06/01/2015 - Executive (Item 80)

80 Implementation of Budget Savings on Council Funded Local Bus Services pdf icon PDF 458 KB

This report outlines proposals for the withdrawal and/or amendments to local bus services put forward to meet a saving of £200,000, for the 2015/16 financial year, required as part of the Council’s budget proposals in February 2014.



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Resolved:  That Cabinet agree:

(i)           Not to make the recommended budget savings in relation to the withdrawal/reduction of bus routes;

(ii)          To undertake consultation on the criteria used for the funding of subsidised bus services;

(iii)         That the Director of City and Environmental Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, Planning & Economic Development, be delegated authority to make the necessary efficiencies in services which does not involve the withdrawal of any bus routes.

Reason:     In order to retain existing services and provide transport for residents in areas where local bus operators are unable or unwilling to provide bus services commercially.




Members considered a report which outlined a list of Council funded bus services which it was proposed to withdraw/amend, in order to meet the £200k saving required to the subsidy provided for local bus services, as part of the 2015/16 budget process.

Although some cost reductions had been made, following detailed discussions with the City’s bus operators, the majority of the budgetary reductions had however to be found through service withdrawals or reductions. Each of the service reductions/revisions and their associated savings were reported at paragraphs 24 to 51 and at Table 2.

The report asked Cabinet to approve Option A, below to reduce the supported bus budget by £212,094 in order to implement the resulting reductions in service.

Option A – to deliver £212k of savings to the local bus budget in 2015/16 applying the established bus subsidy criteria with the exception of Route 21 which is subject to decisions in adjacent authorities and for which a further decision will be taken next year.

Option B - alter the Council’s established criteria for the provision of bus service support and to deliver a total of £247k of savings to the local bus budget in 2015/16.

The Chair thanked Officers for their comprehensive report in response to the savings request made at the budget Council meeting in February 2014. He acknowledged the effects of these proposals on elderly and vulnerable residents and to the Council’s sustainable transport agenda, highlighting the need for improved marketing of the services and work with partners. He therefore confirmed that, having heard the representations, he would not support the proposed reductions and route changes recommended although alternative savings would be required elsewhere. He then moved and it was

Resolved:  That Cabinet agree:

(i)           Not to make the recommended budget savings in relation to the withdrawal/reduction of bus routes;


(ii)          To undertake consultation on the criteria used for the funding of subsidised bus services; 1.



(iii)        That the Director of City and Environmental Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, Planning & Economic Development, be delegated authority to make alternative efficiencies in services which does not involve the withdrawal of any bus routes. That thereafter any remaining shortfall be dealt with by the Director of CBSS in the annual Budget process. 2.

Reason:     In order to retain existing services and provide transport for residents in areas where local bus operators are unable or unwilling to provide bus services commercially.




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