Issue - meetings

26 Hopgrove Lane, South Hopgrove (06/0912/FUL)

Meeting: 15/06/2006 - East Area Planning Sub-Committee (Item 4)

4 26 Hopgrove Lane South, Stockton on Forest (06/0912/FUL) pdf icon PDF 33 KB

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At this Councillor Cuthbertson left the meeting.


Members considered a Full Application, submitted by Ashley Woods for the variation of condition 3 of planning permission 05/00452/FUL to extend the opening hours at 26 Hopgrove Lane.


Officers updated that further representations had been received from the Parish Council who objected to the proposed trading hours and possible traffic problems which could arise but they felt that there was room for compromise. Reference was also made to a letter of explanation received from the applicant, in support of the application which had been circulated to Members.


Representations were received in objection to the application from a neighbour who reported neighbours objections to the proposal and made reference to errors in the report relating to the owners accommodation on site and the comments of Environmental Protection. Objections were raised in relation to safety issues; the rural nature of the site, increased parking that would be required and late night opening.


Members referred to objections relating to use of the premises after the proposed 6pm closing times and possible use on Sundays by models for training purposes. Officers confirmed that enforcement action could be taken in such cases.


RESOLVED:  That the Application be refused.


REASON: The proposal to extend the hours of opening to members of the public would detract from the amenities of the occupiers of residential properties, in this predominately residential area.  This is considered to conflict with advice on protecting amenity in Policy GP1 Design of the City of York Draft Local Plan Incorporating the 4th Set of Changes (Approved April 2005) and in ‘The Planning System: General Principles’ document, published alongside PPS1: Delivering Sustainable Development”.


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