Issue - meetings

Q1 Finance & Performance Monitor 2013/14

Meeting: 03/09/2013 - Executive (Item 37)

37 2013/14 Finance Monitor 1 pdf icon PDF 119 KB

This report provides details of the headline financial performance for 2013-14, covering the period 1 April 2013 to 30 June 2013.  The report assesses performance against budgets, progress of the council’s savings programme, the council’s revenue reserves and provides Members with an update on localisation of business rates.




Resolved:  That Cabinet agree to:


(i)           Note the current projected pressures of £3,722k and note that strategies are being prepared to mitigate this position;


(ii)          Approve the virement of £100k between directorates as set out in paragraph 25 of the report.


Reason:     In order to ensure expenditure is kept within budget.



Consideration was given to a report which provided details of the headline financial performance issues for 2013/14, covering the period 1 April 2013 to 30 June 2013. The report also assessed performance against budgets, progress of the Council’s savings programme and revenue reserves and gave an update on the localisation of business rates.

Early financial pressures totalling £3,722k had been identified across all budgets although extensive work was being carried out to ensure that these were mitigated by the end of the financial year.

An overview of the forecast by Directorate had been set out at Table 1 of the report with key pressures in the areas of Highways, Waste and Fleet, Communities and Neighbourhoods, children under the care of the council and adult social care were set out in detail in paragraphs 5 to 8.

It was confirmed that, if the mitigation strategies did not deliver the required improvements, the Director of Customer and Business Support Services would report to Cabinet outside of the normal reporting schedule.

The Cabinet Member detailed the key pressures and proposed mitigating actions, highlighting the city’s competitive economy. 

Following further discussion it was


Resolved:  That Cabinet agree to:


(i)           Note the current projected pressures of £3,722k and note that strategies are being prepared to mitigate this position;


(ii)          Approve the virement of £100k between directorates as set out in paragraph 25 of the report. 1.


Reason:     In order to ensure expenditure is kept within budget.



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