Issue - meetings

2012/13 Capital Programme Monitor 2

Meeting: 06/11/2012 - Executive (Item 55)

55 2012/13 Capital Programme Monitor 2 pdf icon PDF 141 KB


The purpose of this report is inform Members of the likely outturn position of the 2012/13 Capital Programme based on the spend profile and information to October 2012. The report also informs Cabinet of any under or overspends, seeks approval for changes to the programme and reports any slippage and seeks approval for the associated funding to be slipped to or from the relevant financial years to reflect this.


Additional documents:



RECOMMENDED:       That Council agree:


·      the adjustments in the Capital programme of an overall increase of £3.930m in 2012/13 and re-profiling from 2012/13 to 2013/14 and 2014/15 of £553k as detailed in the report and contained in Annex A including the following new schemes:

o   £248k for the provision of a Looked after Children’s Contact Centre funded by £190k departmental borrowing with the associated costs being funded by the savings realised from this service area as a result of delivering this scheme and £58k funded from DfE Children’s Social Care Capital Grant.

o    £2.213m for the outright purchase of Fleet Vehicles previously leased to be funded by prudential borrowing with the associated revenue costs being met from existing departmental revenue budgets.

o   £34k Parks and Open Spaces schemes all funded from S106.

o   £10k S106 CCTV Digital Infrastructure

·       To note the 2012/13 revised budget of £69.033 as set out in paragraph 6 and Table 2 of the report.

·       To note the restated capital programme for 2012/13 – 2016/17 as set out in paragraph 30, Table 3 and detailed in Annex A of the report.

·       To note the re-profiling and adjustments of the Economic Infrastructure fund to align to spend and approval as set out in the Economic Infrastructure reports to Cabinet noting the overall fund remaining at £28.5m.

·       To note the inclusion of the £618k for works at Hazel Court for the Office of the Future funded by prudential borrowing with the associated costs being met from annual revenue savings of £235k from moving out of the Guildhall, St Anthony's and 50 York Road as approved by Council on the 11 October 2012.

·        To approve the use of capital contingency:

o   £31k for Flood Pump Resilience (paragraph 12)

o   £85k for CCTV Digital Infrastructure (paragraph 15)

REASON:             To enable the effective management and monitoring of the Council’s capital programme




Consideration was given to a report which set out the likely outturn position of the 2012/13 Capital Programme based on the spend profile and information to October 2012.


Changes made throughout the year had resulted in a current approved capital programme for 2012/13 of £65.103m, financed by £28.987m of external funding and internal funding of £36.116m.


An increase of £3.930m, made up of new schemes and net profiling of schemes from the current year had resulted in a revised capital programme budget of £69.033m, full details of which were set out in paragraphs 4 to 7 and at Table 2 of the report.  It was noted that the portfolios had been aligned with the new Council Structure from 1st April 2012.


A summary of the key exceptions and implications for the capital programme were reported in each service area at paragraphs 9 to 30 and summarised in Table 3.


The projected call on Council resources going forward to 2016/17 capital programme were set out at paragraphs 32 to 35, Table 2 and Annex A of the report. It was confirmed that the overall funding position was closely monitored by the Director of Customer and Business Support to ensure that the capital programme remained balanced, with any issues being reported to Cabinet. 


RECOMMENDED:       That Council agree:


·      the adjustments in the Capital programme of an overall increase of £3.930m in 2012/13 and re-profiling from 2012/13 to 2013/14 and 2014/15 of £553k as detailed in the report and contained in Annex A including the following new schemes:

o   £248k for the provision of a Looked after Children’s Contact Centre funded by £190k departmental borrowing with the associated costs being funded by the savings realised from this service area as a result of delivering this scheme and £58k funded from DfE Children’s Social Care Capital Grant.

o    £2.213m for the outright purchase of Fleet Vehicles previously leased to be funded by prudential borrowing with the associated revenue costs being met from existing departmental revenue budgets.

o   £34k Parks and Open Spaces schemes all funded from S106.

o   £10k S106 CCTV Digital Infrastructure

·       To note the 2012/13 revised budget of £69.033 as set out in paragraph 6 and Table 2 of the report.

·       To note the restated capital programme for 2012/13 – 2016/17 as set out in paragraph 30, Table 3 and detailed in Annex A of the report.

·       To note the re-profiling and adjustments of the Economic Infrastructure fund to align to spend and approval as set out in the Economic Infrastructure reports to Cabinet noting the overall fund remaining at £28.5m.

·       To note the inclusion of the £618k for works at Hazel Court for the Office of the Future funded by prudential borrowing with the associated costs being met from annual revenue savings of £235k from moving out of the Guildhall, St Anthony's and 50 York Road as approved by Council on the 11 October 2012.

·        To approve the use of capital contingency:

o   £31k for Flood Pump Resilience (paragraph 12)

o  ...  view the full minutes text for item 55


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