Decision details

Restructure of the Council's Libraries and Archives Service

Decision Maker: Director of Communities & Neighbourhoods

Decision status: Awaiting Implementation

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


A budget reduction of £250k was agreed in the Council's budget process for 2013/14 in respect of the Libraries and Archive Service.
To implement this decision whilst minimising the impact on customers, a staffing restructure has been undertaken which will generate savings of £190k towards the total £250k required.
The key impact of the restructure is a reduction in the number of librarian posts allocated to the smaller branch libraries. There will, however, be no reduction in opening hours or service leveles to the public.
In total 10.9 FTEs will be removed for the structure. There will be no compulsory redundancies as libraries and archive services have been holding vacant posts for a number of months in anticipation of the restructure and there have also been applications for voluntary redundancy.
The new structure will be implemented for 3 June 2013.

Options Considered:


Publication date: 03/06/2013

Date of decision: 03/05/2013

Accompanying Documents:


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