
Decisions published

03/05/2024 - Recovery of expenses due to extraordinary traffic linked to the Derwenthorpe development on Fifth Avenue ref: 7125    Decision Made

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Place

Decision published: 03/05/2024

Effective from: 03/05/2024


City of York Council, the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust (JHRT) and David Wilson Homes (DWH) have agreed a contribution from DWH to compensate the Council for the repairs which are required on Fifth Avenue as a result of the extraordinary traffic linked to the Derwenthorpe development site.

DWH have offered a contribution of £120,000 to the Council. This offer and the works required to bring the street back to an acceptable standard have been reviewed by the Council’s Highway Maintenance team. The review concluded that the amount offered would cover the cost of making the additional repairs, which are now required as a result of years of construction traffic using the street to access the development site.

The decision is therefore to accept DWH’s offer of £120,000 for the Council to recover expenses due to extraordinary traffic linked to the Derwenthorpe development on Fifth Avenue. A legal agreement will be drawn up between the interested parties to accept the sum offered and discharge the developer of its obligation with regards to the repairs required on Fifth Avenue due to the extraordinary traffic.

Once the contribution is received, the Council will organise the work with suppliers, in line with the Council’s procurement policy. As Fifth Avenue provides access to a primary school and developer funded works are already planned at the junction of Fifth Avenue and Tang Hall Lane for summer 2024, works are likely to be undertaken during school holidays in the first half of 2025 to reduce the impact of the works on school access.

Wards affected: Heworth Ward;

Lead officer: James Gilchrist

01/05/2024 - Home For Ukraine – budget update ref: 7124    Decision Made

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Place

Decision published: 03/05/2024

Effective from: 01/05/2024


Agreed budget provision as outlined in Option 1 below and within the attached report.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Neil Ferris

01/05/2024 - Approval of the: York Mansion House, St Helens Square, York , YO1 9QL State room Dining room Silver Galleries Historic Kitchens Drawing room to be used as a venue for the solemnization of Marriages and Registration of Civil Partnership. The period ref: 7123    Decision Made

Decision Maker: Director of Customer & Communities

Decision published: 01/05/2024

Effective from: 01/05/2024


Approval of the: York Mansion House, St Helens Square, York , YO1 9QL

State room
Dining room
Silver Galleries
Historic Kitchens
Drawing room

to be used as a venue for the solemnization of Marriages and Registration of Civil Partnership. The period covered is from 13th June 2024 and continue, subject to revocation until the 12th June 2027.

This decision has been made under the provisions of Section 26(1) (9b) of the Marriage Act 1949 and Section 6 (3A) (a) of the Civil Partnerships Act 2004.

Wards affected: Guildhall Ward;

Lead officer: Pauline Stuchfield

26/04/2024 - To award York College £169k from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to run a project supporting young people at risk of becoming NEET in the Further Education system. ref: 7122    Decision Made

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Place

Decision published: 26/04/2024

Effective from: 26/04/2024


York has been allocated £5.1m from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to deliver an agreed Investment Plan submitted in August 2022 and approved by Government in January 2023. This Plan included funding to support over 16’s who are, or are at risk of becoming, economically inactive. The York UKSPF Partnership Board have identified an emerging issue for young people who are in the Further Education (FE) system at York College and Askham Bryan College. Young people in FE have moved from a school setting and may not have strong links with the teaching and pastoral staff at college, leading to a high risk that they might leave courses in the early weeks of an academic year. This project seeks to address that problem by increasing provision for such people, training college staff in life coaching and mentoring, and providing opportunities for the young people to explore what might be their best options.
Following discussion at the November 2023 York UKSPF Partnership Board, York College were invited to submit a proposal for a project, working with Askham Bryan College, to put innovative provision in place to help address these issues. The Colleges presented their proposal to the Partnership Board at its April 2024 meeting and have received the support of the Board for their project.
At its meeting on 12th October 2023, CYC Executive agreed that the revised investment plan is implemented by extending the current delegation to the Corporate Director of Place in consultation with the Executive Member for Economy and Transport and taking advice the York SPF Partnership Board.
In order to implement this project, a formal decision from the Corporate Director of Place is therefore now required to formally allocate £169k to York College from the 2024-2025 York UKSPF funding.

Decision: To commission York College and Askham Bryan College’s Futures Foundation 4U project, with York College as the accountable body, and allocate £169k from the York UKSPF Investment Plan (intervention E33) to the work.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Neil Ferris

24/04/2024 - To award a UK Shared Prosperity Fund grant to Aesthetica Magazine Limited for their Reignite the City: Parts I to III project ref: 7121    Decision Made

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Place

Decision published: 26/04/2024

Effective from: 24/04/2024


York has been allocated £5.1m from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) to implement the investment plan that was agreed by DLUHC in January 2023. In October 2022, CYC Executive gave delegated authority to the Corporate Director of Place to implement this Investment Plan, in consultation with the relevant Executive Members and the York UKSPF Partnership Board.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Neil Ferris

25/04/2024 - Household Support Fund 5 ref: 7120    Decision Made

Purpose of Report: To approve/ratify the councils household support fund 5 scheme to support residents with the ongoing cost of living crises.

The Executive will be asked: To approve the scheme.

Decision Maker: Executive Members for Finance, Performance, Major Projects, Human Rights, Equality and Inclusion

Made at meeting: 25/04/2024 - Executive Members for Finance, Performance, Major Projects, Human Rights, Equality and Inclusion

Decision published: 25/04/2024

Effective from: 03/05/2024




                      i.         Approved the HSF5 scheme as set out at paragraph 12 – 17 within the report and in further detail within Annex B.


Reason:    To help alleviate the ongoing cost of living pressures being experienced by financially vulnerable residents.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: David Walker

18/04/2024 - Complaint against a Member of a Council covered by the Joint Standards Committee (1:32pm) ref: 7116    Decision Made

Decision Maker: Joint Standards Committee Hearings Sub-Committee

Made at meeting: 18/04/2024 - Joint Standards Committee Hearings Sub-Committee

Decision published: 25/04/2024

Effective from: 18/04/2024


City of York Council Constitution Appendix 29: Joint Standards Committee Procedures


Paragraph 34 Decision Notice (Hearing)


Dated: 18/04/2024                                                       


Date of Complaint



Date of Initial Assessment by DMO



Hearing Date



Independent Person


Joe Leigh


The Panel comprised Councillor K Lomas (Chair), Councillor T Fisher and Parish Councillor C Chambers. The Panel is not required to be politically balanced.


The Independent Persons’ views were provided to the Panel and taken into account at all relevant times in the procedure. The Independent Persons were not voting members of the Panel.


The Hearing

The Panel resolved to exclude the Press and Public from the meeting due to the consideration of exempt information defined as “Information relating to any individual” and “Information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual”. They noted that such information is exempt information if the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. Whilst the Panel was aware the subject member had expressed that they did not require the matter to be kept confidential, the Panel were mindful that there were other individuals involved, and that there was a need to maintain public confidence in the ability to raise complaints.


The Complaint

On 23 August 2023 the Monitoring Officer received a complaint from an officer of the Council alleging that Cllr Mark Warters had breached the Code of Conduct by using racially discriminatory language and behaving in a manner that was disturbing, disrespectful and upsetting. The officer further alleged that Cllr Warters had shared confidential information about a customer with a third party, and that he had displayed aggressive and discourteous behaviour to the wider team over a period of time. The complainant maintained that these actions and behaviours were contrary to the City of York Council Code of Conduct.


Decision – Findings of fact on the balance of probability


The Panel members considered the evidence gathered by the Investigating Officer from the complainant. The Investigating Officer explained that Cllr Warters had initially agreed to meet to be interviewed; having changed the date of the interview Cllr Warters then advised via email that he would not meet or correspond with the Investigating Officer. In that email, Cllr Warters provided an explanation for his use of the term that the complainant claimed was racially offensive.  The Panel accepted that the subject member had been provided with ample opportunity to contest both the alleged facts and the issue of whether those facts amounted to a breach of the Code. The Panel noted that Cllr Warters refused to co-operate further with the investigation process, however they were prepared to accept a number of late submissions received by Cllr Warters in the days leading up to the Hearing. The Panel adjourned for 15 minutes to allow all members the opportunity to read the submissions received. The Panel considered the submissions did not offer mitigation for the issues referred to by the complainant, and that some of the submissions strengthened the case of the complainant. The Panel accepted the investigating officer’s analysis of the facts with and concluded as follows:


We make the following findings on the balance of probabilities:


1. The use of the term referred to by the complainant can be considered a breach of the Code of Conduct due to its potential to cause distress, irrespective of its factual nature.

2. Councillor Warters’ aggressive and discourteous communication, while rooted in frustration, is a breach of the Code of Conduct's emphasis on respectful behaviour.

3. While the sharing of address information might be deemed justifiable in the given circumstances, it raises concerns regarding privacy and confidentiality expectations. The Council's data breach reporting process is therefore the appropriate route to thoroughly assess and determine the implications of this issue.


Was there a breach?


Members of the Panel considered the LGA guidance set out in the report and the facts set out by the Investigating Officer as well as the late submissions provided by Cllr Warters. The Panel were unanimous in their decision that the Code of Conduct had been breached in the following respects:


·        Rule 1 (Respect)

·        Rule 2 (Bullying, harassment and discrimination as a Councillor)

·        Rule 5 (Disrepute as a Councillor)

·        Rule 8 (Complying with the Code of Conduct as a Councillor)


Decision – Sanction


Where a Hearings Panel makes a finding of breach of the Code it may impose one or more of the sanctions listed in the case handling procedure (p726 Constitution) or impose no sanction.


The Panel considered the investigating officer’s recommendation on sanctions and heard the Independent Persons’ views.


The Panel agreed that it was proportionate and appropriate to apply the following sanctions:


     i.        Cllr Warters will be requested to attend appropriate Equalities and Diversity training.


    ii.        A restriction will be placed on Cllr Warters’ ability to communicate directly with staff in the relevant team. The Monitoring Officer is delegated to determine, in consultation with the Chief Operating Officer, the level of seniority of staff within the team with whom Cllr Warters will be permitted to communicate. This restriction will be for an initial period of six months, and the Monitoring Officer is delegated to extend the restriction after the initial term, should he consider it necessary to do so.


The Independent Person

For transparency, the Independent Persons’ views were that there had been a breach of the code and sanctions should be imposed.


There is no internal right of appeal against this decision.


All parties will be notified of the Hearing Panel’s decision.


A decision notice will be published on the Council website within 5 working days of the Hearings Panel decision.





Councillor K Lomas

Chair of Hearings Panel




18/04/2024 - Complaint against a Member of a Council covered by the Joint Standards Committee (3:13pm) ref: 7119    Decision Made

Decision Maker: Joint Standards Committee Hearings Sub-Committee

Made at meeting: 18/04/2024 - Joint Standards Committee Hearings Sub-Committee

Decision published: 25/04/2024

Effective from: 18/04/2024


City of York Council Constitution Appendix 29: Joint Standards Committee Procedures


Paragraph 34 Decision Notice (Hearing)


Dated: 24/04/2024                                                       


Date of Complaint



Date of Initial Assessment by DMO



Hearing Date



Independent Person


Joe Leigh



The Panel comprised Councillor K Lomas (Chair), Councillor T Fisher and Parish Councillor C Chambers. The Panel is not required to be politically balanced.


The Independent Person’s views were provided to the Panel and taken into account at all relevant times in the procedure. The Independent Person was not a voting member of the Panel.


The Hearing


The Panel resolved to exclude the Press and Public from the meeting due to the consideration of exempt information defined as “Information relating to any individual” and “Information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual”. They noted that such information is exempt information if the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. Whilst the Panel was aware the subject member and one complainant had expressed that they did not require the matter to be kept confidential, the Panel were mindful that there were other individuals involved, and that there was a need to maintain staff and public confidence in the ability to raise complaints.


The Complaint


On 16th October 2023 the Monitoring Officer received a complaint from an officer of the Council (Officer A) alleging that Cllr Warters had breached the Code of Conduct by arranging by copying a number of members of the public and Parish Councillors into a formal complaint that he had made about the officer’s conduct. 


On the same day, Officer B, who is Officer A’s line manager, also made a complaint to the Monitoring Officer.  The complaint related to the same incident i.e. the copying of the complaint about Officer A to third parties, but gave greater detail as to why this was considered to be a breach of both the Member/Officer Protocol and the Member Code of Conduct.


Decision – Findings of fact on the balance of probability


The Panel members considered the report of the Investigating Officer and the supplementary pack comprising two additional emails presented by the subject member and one email from officer A.


The Panel heard from the Investigating Officer that Cllr Warters had declined to contribute to the investigation and declined to attend the hearing. The subject member made no representations challenging the facts contained in the investigating officer’s report and consequently witnesses were called.


The Panel accepted the investigating officer’s analysis of the facts and concluded as follows:


1.   Cllr Warters intentionally copied a number of members of the public into correspondence relating to the complaint against Officer A;


2.   In doing so, Cllr Warters acted in breach of para 4.4 of the Protocol for Officer / Member Relations;


3.   The actions of Cllr Warters created a real possibility that the reputation of Officer A would be damaged and their working relationship with the persons copied into the email would be undermined.


Was there a breach?


Members of the Panel considered the LGA guidance set out in the report and the facts set out by the Investigating Officer as well as the supplementary pack. The Panel were unanimous in their decision that the Code of Conduct had been breached in the following respects:


Cllr Warters acted in breach of rule 1 of the Code of Conduct in failing to treat Officer A with respect.


Decision – Sanction


Where a Hearings Panel makes a finding of breach of the Code it may impose one or more of the sanctions listed in the case handling procedure (p726 Constitution) or impose no sanction.


The Panel considered the investigating officer’s recommendation on sanctions and heard the Independent Persons’ views.


In particular, it took into account the following factors:


·        Cllr Warters is an experienced member of more than one local authority and can be taken to be familiar with the requirements in relation to officer/member relations;


·        Cllr Warters has not acknowledged that there may have been a breach of the Code;


·        The lack of engagement with the investigation process;


·        The absence of any commitment to avoiding similar breaches in the future.


The Panel agreed that it was proportionate and appropriate to apply the following sanctions:






1.   Formal censure; and


2.   Restriction of communication with staff in the relevant service area to officers of Assistant Director level and above, such communication to be professional in tone and in all other respects in accordance with the principles set out in the Protocol on Officer Member Relations. 


The Panel further recommended that the Monitoring Officer should carry out a review of the information security implications of the use by Cllr Warters of his personal email address for Council business and be authorised to take such action as is necessary to manage any information security risks identified.


The Independent Person

For transparency, the Independent Persons’ views were that there had been a breach of the code and sanctions should be imposed.


There is no internal right of appeal against this decision.


All parties will be notified of the Hearing Panel’s decision.


A decision notice will be published on the Council website within 5 working days of the Hearings Panel decision.





Councillor K Lomas

Chair of Hearings Panel




23/04/2024 - To submit a response to consultation on Selby Local Plan Publication draft (2024) ref: 7118    Decision Made

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Place

Decision published: 23/04/2024

Effective from: 23/04/2024


On the 25th of October 2022 the Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning agreed a position of having significant objections to the allocation of a new settlement Heronby as proposed in the Selby Local Plan (Regulation 19 consultation). A formal objection was subsequently lodged on grounds related to transport, viability, and deliverability, and concerns about the impact on education provision within CYC were also identified. The response stated that the duty-to-cooperate had not been met due to lack of engagement between the authorities.

Officers have since engaged with Selby (now North Yorkshire) officers and through meetings and correspondence sought to explore the cross-boundary matters, particularly related to transport and highways impacts associated with the Heronby development. Many concerns remain unresolved.

The removal of the site allocation from the Selby Local Plan is therefore welcomed and it is necessary to confirm that the Council’s previously raised concerns are no longer relevant to this revised plan.

Decision: to submit a formal response to the Selby Local Plan Consultation.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Neil Ferris

18/04/2024 - Housing Retrofit update ref: 7113    Decision Made

Purpose of report: This paper will update members on the delivery of retrofit works in the city and seek approval to continue this programme of activity through further grant funded works.

Executive will be asked to: Note progress to date on the delivery of retrofit works in both the private and social housing sectors and to progress with the delivery of further grant funded retrofit works.

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 18/04/2024 - Executive

Decision published: 19/04/2024

Effective from: 26/04/2024




                   i.        Noted the progress achieved so far in the completion of energy efficiency and retrofit projects under the following grant funded programmes, Home Upgrade Grant Phase 1 (HUG1), Local Authority Delivery Phase 3 (LAD3), and the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Wave 1 (SHDF1);

                  ii.        Noted the commencement of new energy efficiency and retrofit projects, including the Local Energy Advice Demonstrator (LEAD) project, Retrofit One Stop York (ROSSY) project, and the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Wave 2 (SHDF2).




                 iii.        Approved the Council entering into the Home Upgrade Grant Phase 2 delivery contract with Clear Climate, as the winning bidder of the recent procurement exercise;

                iv.        Delegated authority to the Director of Housing, Economy and Regeneration in consultation with the Head of Procurement and the Director of Governance (or their delegated officers), to conclude the terms of the HUG2 contract with Clear Climate.




                  v.        Noted the signing of a grant funding agreements, as part of the Local Energy Advice Demonstrator (LEAD), with Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust. Note the intention to enter further grant funding agreements with York Conservation Trust, York Travellers Trust, and Leeds Beckett University, to enable the delivery of high-quality retrofit surveys and advice which target properties which are ‘hard to treat’ and residents who are often missed or not engaged with. Such agreements, and the associated transfer of grant funds, will enable a significant number of retrofit surveys and thereby support effective planning for future retrofit delivery works.




Net Zero Fund


                vi.        Approved the Council entering into the Grant Funding Agreement with York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority for the Net Zero Fund allocation for Alex Lyon House and Honeysuckle House, totalling £1,895k and delegate to the Director of Housing, Economy and Regeneration, in consultation with the Head of Procurement and Director of Governance (or their delegated officers), authority to conclude terms of the grant funding agreement;

               vii.        Delegated authority to the Director of Housing, Economy and Regeneration, in consultation with the Head of Procurement and the Director of Governance (or their delegated officers), to carry out procurement processes in compliance with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules and the Public Contract Regulations 2015 to seek suppliers for the delivery of the Net Zero Fund projects at Alex Lyon House and Honeysuckle House, and to subsequently enter into contracts covering design, consultancy services and construction works.


Reason:     To deliver the council’s ambitions for minimising the

energy bills of those residents facing financial challenges, supporting health and wellbeing, building the local green economy, and retrofit supply chains, and reducing carbon emissions in the city and to ensure the provisions of the Subsidy Control Act 2022 are complied with.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Anthony Dean, Michael Jones

18/04/2024 - Consultation on an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2024-27 and Next Steps ref: 7110    Decision Made

Purpose of Report: To present the results of the assessment against the Equalities Framework for Local Government. To present a draft Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2024-27 strategy in response. To present a recommendation to consult on the draft strategy to inform the final proposal and a detailed action plan.

The Executive will be asked: To approve the recommendation to consult on the draft Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2024-27, and a draft action plan to present back to Executive for approval.

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 18/04/2024 - Executive

Decision published: 19/04/2024

Effective from: 26/04/2024




                         i.         Noted the results of the externally produced assessment against the requirements of the Equalities Framework for Local Government (EFLG) and areas of achievement and development which will feed into the action plan at Resolved iii), below;

                        ii.         Endorsed the draft Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2024-27 at Annex B which will be used as an interim strategy pending the outcome of consultation, as the equality objectives are required as part of meeting the council’s Public Sector Equality Duty;

                      iii.         Approved officers to carry out a public consultation on the draft strategy to inform the final three year strategy and action plan for approval in autumn 2024, noting this will not hold up of delivery of critical core actions needed to start the work of improvement as identified. A further report will be brought to Executive with the results of this consultation.


Reason:     To demonstrate the City of York Council’s core

commitment to becoming a more equal, diverse and inclusive council.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Pauline Stuchfield

18/04/2024 - Ward Funding Allocation 2024/25 ref: 7111    Decision Made

Purpose of Report: The 2024/25 ward budget allocation is comprised of £250,000 to be allocated across the city, and the report will outline potential models to inform making the split to wards.

The Executive will be asked: To approve recommendations on the allocation of ward funding, taking into account any feedback from Corporate Services, Climate Change and Scrutiny Management Committee.

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 18/04/2024 - Executive

Decision published: 19/04/2024

Effective from: 26/04/2024




                      i.         Approved maintaining the use of Model A, subject to funding, to allocate Ward Funding for the next three financial years and reflect the Council Plan 2023-2027.


Reason:     To ensure that ward allocations meet Council Plan

priorities and methodologies around allocations are transparent to residents and stakeholders.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Ian Cunningham, Joe Micheli

18/04/2024 - Advertising contract ref: 7114    Decision Made

Purpose of Report: Prior to the ending of the current bus shelter advertising contract with JC Decaux, the council conducted an independent market appraisal to understand the value of place based advertising across the city.

This provided several additional opportunities the council will explore at a later date.
In the meantime, the market appraisal provided sufficient information for the council to negotiate a new 15-year contract with JC Decaux, providing and maintaining bus shelters with either no advertising, paper adverts or digital adverts, and digital information panels, subject to the necessary planning consents.

In tandem, The council’s Public Health team have been working on a number of policies which promote a health food environment in York; this is in line with the city’s ‘Healthy Lives, Healthy Weight Policy’, and the ‘Local Government Declaration on Health Weight’ which the council signed in 2019.

In addition a strong body of research evidence suggests that tackling the advertising and marketing environment is a valid and necessary policy to support a healthy weight in our population. One of the areas which the council is able to directly influence is the types of adverts that are shared on council land. This has informed a refresh of the council’s advertising policy that forms part of the JC Decaux contract.

The Executive are invited to:

i.                 Note the independent market appraisal and the potential revenue opportunities from place-based advertising;

ii.                Approve the direct award of a new 15-year (plus a possible 1-year extension) bus shelter advertising and digital information board concession contract to JC Decaux and delegate authority to negotiate and conclude the new concession contract (and the provisions of any subsequent modifications and/or extensions thereto) to the Director Public Health in consultation with the Head of Procurement and the Director of Governance;

iii.              Approve the council’s advertising policy embedded into the bus shelter and digital information board contract.

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 18/04/2024 - Executive

Decision published: 19/04/2024

Effective from: 26/04/2024




                      i.         Noted the independent market appraisal and the potential revenue opportunities from place-based advertising:


Reason:     Understanding the potential value of advertising opportunities across the council’s estate and assets to realise maximum revenues, recognising that by doing so there will be a necessary change from analogue to digital advertising, to keep up with market demand and recognise increased revenue opportunities.


                     ii.         Approved the direct award of a new 15-year (plus a possible 1-year extension) bus shelter advertising and digital free standing unit concession contract to JC Decaux and delegate authority to negotiate and conclude the new concession contract (and the provisions of any subsequent modifications and/or extensions thereto) to the Director of Governance in consultation with the Head of Procurement and the Director of Public Health:


Reason:     The bus shelter and digital information board contract expired on 31 December 2023 and is now on a 12-month extension as per the current contract mechanism. By approving the new contract, the council will more quickly benefit from the increased revenue with the supplier being able to more quickly digitise subject to planning approvals.


75% of Out Of Home advertising revenue comes from Digital and as such Paper advertising alone is no longer sustainable for the future operational running of a Bus Shelter and Free- Standing Unit contract.


If direct award is not support, the Council would need to run a new tender awarded prior to 1 January 2025.


                    iii.        Pursuant to Rule 26.1 of the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules (“CPRs”), the Executive approved a waiver of Rules 11.4 and 11.7 of the Council’s CPRs in relation to the direct award of the new concession contract to JC Decaux UK.


Reason:     Most of the bus shelters in York are currently the property of JCDecaux, who both purchase, install and maintain them. The risks of not continuing the concession contract are set out in the report and can be summarised as, all current bus shelters would be dismantled by JCDecaux in January 2025 with new ones needed to be sourced, installed and maintained introducing a substantial additional cost to the Council in both capacity and, potentially capital expenditure and ongoing operational expenditure if a new supplier is not found through a competitive tender.


                   iv.        Approved the council’s advertising policy which will be embedded into the bus shelter, and all place-based advertising contracts with adverts displayed on council owned or operated land:


Reason:     The new advertising contract allows greater controls over the types of advertising that is displayed. The council’s advertising policy is designed to restrict high fat, salt and sugar products being displayed to residents to help promote better health and wellbeing.



Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Claire Foale

18/04/2024 - Recommissioning of Sensory Services in York ref: 7112    Decision Made

Purpose of Report: Local authorities have a statutory duty to prevent, reduce or delay needs for care and support (Care Act 2014 section 2) for all adults including carers; this means early intervention to prevent deterioration and reduce dependency on support from others including those with sensory impairments. The current Sensory Support service contract is coming to an end this year, the commissioning team are in the process of recommissioning the service. The purpose of the report is for Executive Meeting to review the report and recommendations to come to a decision on the best option to go forward.

The Executive will be asked: To recommend the best option to recommission York Sensory Support Services.

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 18/04/2024 - Executive

Decision published: 19/04/2024

Effective from: 26/04/2024




                      i.         Approved the procurement of a new contract for the Sensory Support Service for an initial term of 3-years, with an option to extend for up to a further 2-years;

                     ii.         Delegated authority to the Corporate Director of Adult Services and Integration (and their delegated officers) in consultation with Chief Finance Officer (and their delegated officers in Commercial Procurement) to commence procurement from the market for a new contract for the Sensory Support Service for an initial term of 3-years, with an option to extend for up to a further 2-years via an open, fair and transparent competitive process and evaluation criteria in compliance with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules under Appendix 11 of the Council’s Constitution (the “CYC’s CPRs”) and (where applicable) under the Light Touch Regime under Regulations 74 to 76 and Schedule 3 of Public Contract Regulations 2015 (the “Procurement Regs”);

                    iii.        Delegated authority to the Corporate Director of Adult

Services and Integration (and their delegated officers), in consultation with the Director of Governance (and their delegated officers in Legal Services), to determine the provisions of the new contract for the Sensory Support Service, and the provisions of any subsequent modifications and/or extensions thereto;

                   iv.        Delegated authority to the Corporate Director of Adult

Services and Integration (and their delegated officers), in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer (and their delegated officers in Commercial Procurement) and the Director of Governance (and their delegated officers in Legal Services), to award and conclude the new contract for the Sensory Support Service following an open, fair, and transparent competitive process and evaluation criteria in compliance with the Council’s CPRs and (where applicable) the Procurement Regs.


Reason:     The option proposed will comply with CYC’s CPRs

and the Procurement Regs in terms of completing an open, fair, and transparent process as the market has not been approached since 2017.


Further, the provision of the Sensory Support Service ensures the Council meets the statutory duty under the Care Act 2014 through prevention and delay, and the ability to plan anticipated needs (rehabilitation), assessment and eligibility, information and advice and registration data (Certificate of Vision impairment).

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Edward Njuguna


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