Issue - meetings

Better Bus Area Fund - Museum Street Bus Stop: Proposed Alterations

Meeting: 17/10/2013 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 24)

24 Better Bus Area Fund - Museum Street Bus Stop: Proposed Alterations pdf icon PDF 148 KB

This report sets out proposals to make improvements to the Museum Street bus stop, outlines the consultation feedback and seeks approval to implement the proposed alterations.

Additional documents:


Resolved:           That the Cabinet Member gave approval for:



(i)           The implementation of the proposed bus stop improvements as shown in Annex D of the report, subject to the necessary Scheduled Monument Consent being obtained.


(ii)          The new railings being provided within the scheme to match the Brierley style of railing to enable a continuation of the Library railings.



Reasons:        (i)      To improve facilities at this busy bus stop,  reduce conflict between pedestrians and queing passengers and to offer greater aesthetic benefit to the monument and its setting. Improvements would be more cost effective in terms of whole life costs.


(ii)          The provision and replacement of the Brierley railings would be a natural continuation of the section of railings between the Library and the bus stop and aesthetically this would be the most appropriate selection. There is no physical link between the Museum Gardens railing to the west of the bus stop and so the historical link is broken.









The Cabinet Member considered a report which sought approval for and outlined proposals to make improvements to the Museum Street bus stop and outlined consultation feedback.


Officers outlined the proposals and the Cabinet Member expressed preference for the style of railings as used outside the Library to be used in the scheme in order to provide some continuation.


The Cabinet Member also agreed to the inclusion of a canopy within the scheme.


Resolved:           That the Cabinet Member gave approval for:



(i)           The implementation of the proposed bus stop improvements as shown in Annex D of the report, subject to the necessary Scheduled Monument Consent being obtained.


(ii)          The new railings being provided within the scheme to match the Brierley style of railing to enable a continuation of the Library railings.



Reasons:        (i)      To improve facilities at this busy bus stop,  reduce conflict between pedestrians and queing passengers and to offer greater aesthetic benefit to the monument and its setting. Improvements would be more cost effective in terms of whole life costs.


(ii)          The provision and replacement of the Brierley railings would be a natural continuation of the section of railings between the Library and the bus stop and aesthetically this would be the most appropriate selection. There is no physical link between the Museum Gardens railing to the west of the bus stop and so the historical link is broken.









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