Issue - meetings

Central (Rougier Street) Bus Interchange

Meeting: 17/10/2013 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 25)

25 York Central (Rougier Street) Bus Interchange pdf icon PDF 105 KB

This report sets out proposals to improve the 10 bus stops at Rougier Street and Station Road with the objective of creating a more formal, integrated “Central Interchange” for bus services in York. 

Additional documents:


Resolved:           That the Cabinet Member:


(i)           Approved the implementation of the proposed bus stop improvements as shown in Annex A with any minor final amendments.


(ii)          Noted that discussions are continuing with Skelwith, the property developers for Roman House, on the design of the shelter.


Reason:              To improve facilities for bus passengers and improve the Rougier Street area.


The Cabinet Member considered a report which set out proposals to improve the 10 bus stops at Rougier Street and Station Road with the objective of creating a more formal integrated Central Interchange for bus services in York. The intention is to both improve facilities for bus passengers and take the opportunity to make more general changes in Rougier Street which will improve the attractiveness of the area.


Officers outlined the report and advised that discussions on the design of the scheme were still ongoing with Skelwith, the property developers for Roman House.


The Cabinet Member expressed a preference for the end of the shelter not to taper in. The scheme as outlined in the report was approved subject to any minor final amendments should any design in conjunction with Skelwith not be forthcoming.



Resolved:           That the Cabinet Member:


(i)           Approved the implementation of the proposed bus stop improvements as shown in Annex A with any minor final amendments.


(ii)          Noted that discussions are continuing with Skelwith, the property developers for Roman House, on the design of the shelter.


Reason:              To improve facilities for bus passengers and improve the Rougier Street area.


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