Agenda item

Called-in Item: Advertising Contract

This report outlines the reasons for the call-in of the decision made by the Executive on 18 April 2024, in respect of the Advertising Contract. The report also sets out the powers and role of the Corporate Services, Climate Change and Scrutiny Management Committee (Calling-In) in dealing with the call-in.


The Chair opened the meeting by stating that he had been advised by officers that new information had come to light, which meant that the Executive Decision, taken on 18 April 2024, would no longer be implemented. 

Officers reported that the information was unrelated to the call-in and an urgent report would be presented to the Executive meeting on Thursday 9 May, which would seek authority for a tender exercise; that decision would be subject to the call-in provisions in due course.

In light of this, Members were asked to consider whether they wished to proceed with the call-in, or to withdraw it and revisit the issue following the Executive meeting. The Chair proposed postponement on the advice of the Monitoring Officer and based on that advice the committee unanimously

Resolved:   That the call-in be postponed.

Reason:      In order that the committee can be assured that it is acting on the most current information available.



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